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Innovative Flex Workspace Management

Flex Workspace Solutions is a professional flex workspace management company providing comfort and efficiency for businesses throughout the United States. We have years of experience helping businesses thrive. We equip teams with the tools, resources, and strategies to succeed. Our capabilities enable business owners to cultivate and grow their portfolios, scale their businesses, achieve their goals, and maximize their potential. We offer a tried-and-true process that empowers teams in every aspect of business, from operations, marketing, sales, and beyond. By following our strategies, you’ll be able to support your business’s growth better and expand its possibilities.

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Why Choose Flex Workspace Solutions

Your success is our top priority. As a flex office and workspace management team, we provide a wide range of services and environments to promote and assist you. We assess every area of your business, determining which are strong and which need growth and support. From providing suitable office space, consultation for your teams, strategic marketing plans, and more, our goal is to produce measurable results. We’ll provide you with a vision, a blueprint featuring your industry’s current innovations and customized solutions for your business. With Flex Workspace Solutions, you’ll be able to leverage your team’s potential, optimizing your revenue, productivity, and potential.

We Stand Apart From the Rest

Our leadership has over 25 years of experience helping businesses succeed. We’ve earned and maintained a sterling reputation for providing measurable results for our clients. We analyze every aspect of your business. We understand that each team, department, and service is interconnected and that one cannot function without the others. Our holistic approach enables us to give you diverse expertise, skills, and resources. We’ll devise a robust yet flexible plan for your growth, allowing you to meet changing demands, challenges, and expectations confidently. Our services will allow your business to grow and thrive.

Meet the Founder

With over 20 years in the flexible workspace industry, Flex President, Mark Burge, believes that community and growing the business of those in our community always comes first. His day to day is floating around all managed centers in between meetings, and providing support to staff and community members.


To learn more about Mark and his experience listen to his interview with Flex Uncensored here.

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