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Where Businesses Grow and Thrive

Flex Workspace Solutions offers 25 years of unparalleled expertise in the flex workspace sector. Our team has effectively capitalized on that experience throughout the past 5 years to enable our clients – space operators, property managers and owners alike – with a pathway for healthy business growth. We assist by equipping our clients with highly tailored operational tools as well as marketing & sales functions defined around their individual objectives and needs. Let us show you how we can partner together to help reach your goals; contact us today so we may begin driving increased success and profitability!


Full Management

We offer full management services that cover every core business aspect – from operations, HR, training, accounting and even sales management. Our in depth sales strategy includes a dedicated lead management and conversion team– ensuring excellent negotiation, and conversion – giving you the confidence of maximum return on investment. Our strategic commercial broker relationships add an extra layer of expertise for a fully optimized outlook at growth potential.

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At Flex Workspace Solutions we do more than just give advice with our consulting services. We will meet with your team, make diagnoses based on pain points, make recommendations and most importantly assist with the implementation of recommended solutions and facilitate client learning in order to permanently improve organizational effectiveness.

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Sales Accelerator

Drive your product sales with the Flex Workspace Solutions Sales Accelerator team. Get access to advanced lead management and contact plans, along with Community Manager support for all tour scheduling using Outlook/Teams calendars. Additionally, our detailed strategy and process documentation ensures success in each sale attempt while providing pricing and deal strategy assistance on every completed tour—giving you a greater chance of closing deals faster than ever!

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Health Check

Workspace owners should consider a Health Check to ensure their business is performing at its peak and remaining competitive in the market. Through our Health Check process, you will gain valuable insight into how your business is performing compared to your competition, enabling you to make informed decisions about the future of your workspace business. Our experts can provide a comprehensive analysis that takes into account industry trends and customer needs, giving you a detailed breakdown of where areas for improvement can be made. With this knowledge, you’ll have the tools necessary to remain competitive and grow your business for years to come.

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Full Development

We specialize in designing and conceptualizing high-concept and productive workspaces from the ground up. An efficient workspace is more than the sum of its parts; we know how to fit all the pieces together. Our team will collaborate with yours to match your vision, creating a workspace that fits your culture and serves your clients. We can also provide technology and furniture recommendations for peak efficiency and convenience during the process.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

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