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Shaping productive and comfortable workspaces starts with office furniture. Carefully selected office furniture contributes to the overall productivity and satisfaction of its employees, making it a crucial investment for any business.

In this vendor spotlight, we shine a light on Vari, an office furniture design company that stands out for its innovative approach to design. From ergonomic chairs to height-adjustable desks, Vari’s products are designed to meet the needs of modern workplaces. With a focus on quality craftsmanship, Vari continues to redefine the way we think about office furniture design.

About Vari

Two words: back pain. We have all experienced back pain at some point in our lives, especially those of us who work 8 hours a day, 5 days per week, sitting at a desk.

When a colleague needed a simple way to relieve his back pain at work, the team at Vari got to work, and the original VariDesk® sit-stand desk was created and inspired a whole new category of office furniture.

“We soon discovered that our direct-to-consumer business model was just as popular as the VariDesk itself. Customers started asking us for office furniture that offered the same speed, simplicity, and flexibility, so we listened and began expanding our mission beyond the desk.” – Vari Team

While Vari still sells their award-winning desks, they also supply collaborative workspaces with conference tables, lights, moveable walls, seating, storage, and everything they need to create a productive atmosphere. The team at Vari can assist with everything from space planning, design, and installation, all while remaining committed to their mission of producing top-notch products, an efficient process, and excellent customer service.

Best-Selling Products

Each piece of furniture in Vari’s furniture collection demonstrates top-notch craftsmanship and a keen eye for detail. Below are a few of Vari’s best-selling products.

The Electric Standing Desks

VariDesk® Pro Plus™

Task Chair

Dual Monitor Arm

Additionally, Vari’s lineup features products such as storage options, trendy lights, lounge seating, and flexible space solutions designed to suit all kinds of work styles and aesthetics.

View all Vari Products


Vari For Coworking Spaces

Vari’s products are perfect for operators of coworking spaces that are looking to make their collaborative spaces more comfortable and productive.

By partnering with Vari, operators gain access to a wide range of ergonomic furniture and equipment that can be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of their members. Operators can stand out from competition by creating a more appealing and productive space – all designed to attract and retain members with an elevated work experience.

In conclusion, the significance of thoughtful office furniture design goes beyond mere decoration. It has the power to enhance productivity, foster creativity, and promote well-being among employees. By investing in well-designed furniture, companies can create workspaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also conducive to success and innovation.

To learn more about Vari and shop for their products, visit