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Understand your spaces and occupiers like never before.

essensys is a global software and technology company for commercial real estate and flexible workspaces. essensys’ products are designed to help operators manage, understand, and optimize assets across their portfolio, ultimately increasing yield, driving occupancy, and reducing operating costs.

In a recent announcement, essensys revealed a brand new addition to its Platform: Intelligence Engine. This innovation delivers vital insights into Space Utilization and Digital Experience, enabling operators to understand their spaces and occupiers in more depth than ever before. Leveraging proprietary datasets, Intelligence Engine provides a detailed view of how spaces are used and experienced across an operator’s entire portfolio, empowering strategic decision-making and driving tangible business value.

The Changing Landscape

Workspace management has evolved significantly. Traditional “box-in-a-box” leases are no longer the norm; instead, there is a dynamic environment where hybrid work models, flexible space demands, and changing occupier expectations are shaping the landscape. The pandemic accelerated this shift, highlighting the need for environments fostering collaboration, creativity, and community.

Data-Driven Insights

Understanding occupancy alone is insufficient in this evolving landscape. Traditional methods of measuring space performance have become outdated, offering only fragmented or low-resolution data. Intelligence Engine addresses this challenge by providing high-fidelity, high-resolution insights into Space Utilization and Digital Experience.

Space Utilization

Intelligence Engine goes beyond basic occupancy metrics, offering a comprehensive view of space usage. Operators can analyze demand trends, frequency of use, and occupier journeys across portfolios, enabling informed decision-making.

Digital Experience (DX)

DX insights provide visibility into end-user experiences, highlighting connectivity issues and other factors affecting digital experience. Proactive identification of issues empowers operators to enhance occupier satisfaction.

Centralized Platform

Intelligence Engine consolidates data from multiple sources into a single platform, providing operators with a holistic view of space usage and digital experience. This centralized approach simplifies analysis and decision-making. On top of this, Intelligence Engine is built into essensys Platform, where operators can also manage occupiers, spaces and digital services across their portfolio, as well as deliver mobile-first, fully-connected experiences throughout their spaces.

Turn Insights Into Impact

Intelligence Engine empowers essensys Platform customers to reduce operating costs, drive occupancy, and increase yield. By understanding how occupiers utilize spaces and their experience within them, operators can optimize resource allocation, predict occupier behavior, and tailor offerings to market demand.

Discover more about Intelligence Engine